My vision. Come see it with me.

This is just a test

hello world.

This is just a test. I’ve been trying to figure out how I would like this blog to look. What kind of content I would post. I’ve finally landed on whatever it is I want since,well, it’s mine. I’ll at least try to make it educational and not just random BS. I’ve been blogging since early 2000s with my epic site, which may or may not still be on. If it is, I’ve been paying for it for the last few years without even knowing which may or may not be good… can’t decide really..


another test that I need to fill up. Lots of text needs to be written and created so that I can fill up this blog. Lots of photos and videos needs to be uploaded to make this site poppin’ … I really don’t talk like that. This is a layout test. What I can do with Squarespace blog. I’m planning on making it look like mini newspaper articles and make it as informative as I can and try and post great photos as much as I can. Rekindle my love for writing, however basic it might be, and photography.

Life is infinite
— - Brian Filoteo

This is my doggy Rye. The sun was super bright this afternoon. He’s an Italian greyhound, Terrier mix. He’s a cool little dude… random thought while sitting here and trying to fill up space. I am also testing how the Squarespace app run on the iPad. At this moment, I am writing this post on it. It’s not bad at all. Although, the functions on which you can edit the size of the image by dragging the sides and corners aren’t working. I guess further edits has to be done on my Mac but the initial setup and quick post can be done here. Functionality is about 80% compared to what you can do on the computer. Still not bad. I’ll take it.

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