Californian Import
Californian Import
This shoot was done in El Matador Beach in Malibu, CA and was shot in conjunction with Wet Swimwear
Californian Import
Jonika is not your average SoCal girl. In fact, she’s actually not from Southern California nor Northern California. She is in fact from Idaho. but honestly, she fits in California much more than I do. I wasn't born here to start with anyways but I’ve lived all my life here. I too is an Californian import, with every sense of the word, but side by side comparison; she definitely plays the part of the Californian so much more than I.
““Jonika is a good friend of one of my best friends OJ, not the Heisman trophy owner / acquitted murderer, but the shorter Filipino counterpart.”
On a slow and relaxing Friday night with a few rounds of old fashioned cruising between the crevices of my bloodstream at a local whiskey bar in the, then gloomy, Ventura, California, I was asked if I can do a shoot the next day for my usual swimwear line that I work with, Wet Swimwear (@wetswimwear in instagram). I'm due for another shoot with the line so I said, "f*ck it I'm build under pressure let's do it."
Jonika is a good friend of one of my best friends OJ, not the Heisman trophy owner / acquitted murderer, but the shorter Filipino counterpart. Oj mentioned that Jonika was in town for a few months and she'd be down to work a few suits and chill early morning in the lovely beaches of Malibu. Perfect timing I thought as I drown myself with another glass of whiskey chased by a jalapeño popper.
Fast forward few hours with non existent memory of what happened the night before, I hustled early in the morning rushing and racing to catch the first light on a gloomy Saturday morning in the month of June. Jonika, albeit new with the modeling game, was perfection. It was a our first time meeting but we flowed as if we are water and wine. I am not good with analogies so I apologize for that totally didn't make any sense. I'll do the photographs do all the talking. Never knew there were amazing things in Idaho other than potatoes. Welcome to California Jonika. Glad you came and stayed.